If I had known…
I had an allergy to this plant I may not have bought my house.
This is sagebrush and my house is pretty much surrounded by it.
I can tell you it wouldn’t have made a difference.
Buying my house wasn’t specifically about what it was surrounded by physically.
It was about why I wanted a piece of property in that particular area and what I would do and have as a result of that property.
Finding this house in this location with this amazing view was a Bonus. And I know how to deal with the sagebrush.
When making what feels like a Huge decision, it always starts with Why & What. (And let me tell you for the smallest of decisions it starts there too).
Why? What? – Can you answer those questions without hesitation, then you found your answer.
#mentaldecluttering #justbreathe #chaostocalm #why #what #youwillfindtheanswer